Beer Tax Politics Hard at Work

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4 Responses

  1. vikingdiplomat says:

    Here is the response I got:

    Dear Mr. Soandso

    Thank you for contacting me regarding proposed taxes on alcoholic beverages. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

    As you know, the Senate Finance Committee has considered an alcoholic beverage excise tax as a possible way to pay for a government takeover of our health care system. While no legislation has been introduced that would implement this tax, I remain concerned about any proposal that increases taxes on hard-working Americans. Taxpayers already work almost four months out of the year to pay for the operations of government; this is more than they work to pay for transportation, food, and clothing combined. Hardworking Texans deserve to keep more of their own money to spend, save, and invest how they see fit. Congress should instead work to keep taxes low and reduce wasteful spending. As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, I will oppose any efforts to raise taxes on alcoholic beverages. I firmly believe Congress should not rely on tax increases to fund government initiatives.

    Moreover, I am committed to comprehensive, market-based reforms that ensure our health care system works for every patient. I am helping lead a Senate health reform working group that meets regularly to find and implement solutions for the most pressing problems in our nation’s health care system. It is critically important for Americans to have access to high quality, affordable health insurance. Rather than increasing the power of faceless Washington bureaucrats, raising taxes, and spending more taxpayer dollars, I believe we can improve our health care system by giving individual patients and doctors choice and control over health care decisions. I am committed to improving access to quality, affordable health care as Congress debates comprehensive health care reform in the months ahead.

    You may be certain that I will keep your thoughts in mind as the 111th Congress considers health care reform. I appreciate having the opportunity to represent the interests of Texans in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


    United States Senator

    • Simply Beer says:

      Thanks for posting this letter! This sounds like Senator Cornyn is leaning more to say no to the taxes. How long ago did you receive this response?

  2. mike says:

    Standard letters are scantrons for education. Just fill in Key 5 and you got them all right. I’ve also been drinking 90 minutes all night, but i got the same exact letter.

  3. vikingdiplomat says:

    Yes, it sounds like he is leaning towards a Nay. I sent my email to his office on June 8, 2009, got the above reply July 8, 2009.