Ramstein Unveils Their 2010 Eisbock

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4 Responses

  1. That’s interesting. I enjoyed their Winter Wheat, but this sounds amazing! So, do they do this outside or something? I’m curious why does it have to be so cold to make this particular batch?

    • Simply Beer says:

      Eisbock, is basically freezing a % of water from the beer to make a more lush(in theory) and higher abv beer. It is also know as Freeze Distillation, the way Tactical Nuclear Penguin was made.

  2. Thanks, Peter. Something I didn’t know before!

  1. January 28, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by beersage, Simply Beer and NJ AdClub, allbeernews. allbeernews said: Ramstein Unveils Their 2010 Eisbock http://ff.im/-eXCFg […]