Boulevard SmokeStack Series – Saison Brett

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8 Responses

  1. nate says:

    “….I know a good beer when I’m 3/4 through a 750ml bottle and still excited about the next sip, looking for new flavors.”

    I never thought of it that way, but you’re right. I especially know when I am sad that the bottle is empty!

    I will soon be living in the city where this stuff is brewed.

    Thanks for the mention!

  2. Don says:

    Sounds like a good brew Peter. I have passed this one up a bunch of times. I need to pick it up next time I’m shopping to replenish the bunker. Thanks for the review.

    • Simply Beer says:

      @Nate your welcome, I glad you wrote about them so I could find this beer. Wonderful stuff. Looking forward to trying more from them!

      @Don, I hope you don’t pass this one up again! 🙂

  3. Like I said on twitter when you posted this; I thought this was a really impressive American Saison and wish Boulevard would send their stuff out here to the DC area. Great beer.

  4. Yo dude.. says:

    You do realize it’s SmokeSTACK Series, right?

  1. February 14, 2010

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