Greasy Pig coming to NHC2013 Club Night
I’m wicked excited to go to the National Homebrewers Conference, this being my first year I’m not sure what to expect. What I’ve heard and seen on YouTube club night looks to be the highlight of the conference, although there are some lectures I’m looking forward to hearing. My club, Glen Ridge Homebrewers Association, is making our first appearance at NHC and we still haven’t figured out our space at club night, but we have figured out most of our beers. But what is more important, good and interesting beer or cool space? I figure it is the beer, so I’m pulling out the Greasy Pig Bacon Brown Ale. Who doesn’t love bacon???
Here are the beers I’m planning on bringing to NHC for club night.
- Greasy Pig – Bacon Brown Ale
- Brauphroaig – Barrel Aged Peat Porter
- Holy Kitty – IPA
- Sidhe – Scottish Ale
- Elettaria Wit – Wit with Cardamom
If you’re going to club night, I would love to hear what you are bring.
I can’t wait to share my beers! See ya in Philly!
That looks like a fun lineup of beers, Peter. What you’ve heard about NHC and especially Club Night is true, and then some. My first NHC was last year in Seattle. The conference wasn’t half over before I was making plans for Philadelphia AND Grand Rapids! I’m also bringing my wife this year. I won’t be there with a club, though. I think being there with club members would only make the conference better. I enjoy your blog and hope to get a chance to say hello.
Thanks Jim! Looking forward to NHC. Stop by the Glen Ridge Homebrewers table for some fun beers!
I’ll be there. I’m bringing:
Relay Red Rye IPA
Black Lips with a Rye Smile IPA
Dube the Elder Imperial IPA
Looks good Lloyd, what club are you with, I’ll try and get to you table to try them.