Beer Brawl™ 27 – Oktoberfest Part 2 – Blind Tasting

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4 Responses

  1. I keep seeing the Ayinger @ Total Wine in singles, I think I’ll grab one to see what’s up with it.

  2. Jim says:

    too bad to see Victory fare so poorly. I’m a big fan of just about everything they make.

    I still have to scoop up some Oktoberfest beers. Looks like I now know where to start.

    • Simply Beer says:

      @Jim – I had high hopes for Victory too, it’s unfortunate. They are a great brewery with a big line up of exceptional beer, especially the wild devil and the frost king.

  3. Rob says:

    How about, for Cinco De Mayo, a “Mexican Standoff” with a head-to-head of the best from south of the border?