Cleaning your Plate Chiller

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6 Responses

  1. Ben says:

    Does your chiller just have 1/2″ connectors or is one set of them the 3/4″ standard garden hose threading? If they are where did you find the camlock type A connectors for it? only hase the 1/2′ listed…


  2. Ben says:

    OK, I recently got a Blichmann and they look to have the 1/2″ (for the beer lines) and 3/4″ (for the garden hose). Thanks for the reply!

  3. Simply Beer says:

    One thing I wanted to add, you can use this method for lots of other equipment. I use this to clean my chugger pumps, hoses (rated 500deg) and other stainless equipment.

  4. Luke says:

    I chill my wort the same way that you do (by recirculating), and then after transferring to the fermentor I flush the chiller with hose water and then recirculate hot PBW through it in my boil kettle. I see the same thing: a boil kettle full of dark water that otherwise would be in my next batch of beer. Then I rinse everything with hot water.

    Tip: make sure to open/close your ball locks several times while recirculating PBW. It’s amazing how much crud gets behind the ball locks as well. Opening/closing gets the hot PBW behind the ball and cleans it out.