Allagash Tripel Reserve Belgian Style Ale (Batch 113)
The thing about Belgian Style Ales is they are not Belgian Ales. There are only a handful of Belgian Ales. So, every time I open a Belgian Style Ale I wonder is if really going to be like a Belgian Ale or an Interpretation of one.
The Triple Reserve Belgian Style Ale by Allagash Brewing in Portland Maine is on the menu tonight, I really hope live up to the style. With an ABV of 9.0% it barely is in the range of the style, but why not push the limits, rights?
Pour carefully, the head can explode if not poured carefully.
A cloudy golden straw color, nicely carbonated with bubbles tumbling throughout the glass. Good frothy head, long lasting with amazing lacing.
Nice mild apple spice, fruity aroma with a slightly herbal fragrance. A nice sweet aroma with a barely noticeable hop presence nicely rounds out this beer.
Ummmm… nice lemony peppery creamy start followed by a bready citrus flavor.
High ABV, 9.0%, but almost unnoticeable until you have to write about it. 🙂 This is a very good clingy beer. If you haven’t had one, buy one, it is a very good example of a Belgian Style Triple!
Tasting Method: 750ml bottle
My Rating: 94
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