Beer Review: Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout
When a friend, especially a self proclaimed beer geek says “you gotta try this beer it’s amazing”; I went out and got a couple bottles, although it did take me three months to get around to drinking it. I’ve had several Great Divide beers before and the have all been above par to exceptional, I’m expecting this Russian Imperial Stout to hold the grade.
In a challis, give this beer a good hard pour right down the middle to produce an thick rich head and unleash the strong aroma. In a pint glass, I’d be a bit more conservative on the pour.
An Inky black, a very black beer as any good Russian Imperial Stout. Good initial brown head, reduced quickly to a thin brown head.
Think roasted malty aroma with strong notes of coffee and chocolate. Surprisingly no hop aroma for 75 ibu’s
Very interesting flavor hits you right up front, a combination of citrus and chocolate. Which is quickly followed by toasted malt and coffee, finishing with the 75 ibu’s of rich bitterness.
Rich and smooth, 9.5% abv leaves very little impression with the flavor making it extremely well balanced. Probably the 2nd best Russian Imperial Stout I’ve had.
Food Pairing:
This is a very strong rich beer, personally this beer makes a perfect desert and would not pair it with anything. Although it could pair well with some dark chocolate.
Tasting Method: 22oz bottle
My Rating: 94
I didn’t realize how high the IBUs were on this and I really didn’t pick up anything in the way of hops in the taste.
I’m thinking I might pick this as the desert beer for a beer and food dinner I’m planning for friends.