Simply Beer Podcast #32 – American Spontaneous Fermentation – Preview
Shhh… I change the name. These podcasts are really no longer about several beers fighting it out to see which is best. That concept has just become way to subjective for me. Frankly, I love giving my opinion, but want folks to try the beers them selves and form their own opinions. So from here on out no more Beer Brawls, just Simply Beer Podcast and with the line up of beer we have for this podcast cast, it wouldn’t be fair to have these beers brawling. 6 totally unique, über rare, and individual beers.
So what is American Spontaneous Fermentation, well there are many common names for it. Most common would be “lambic”. But like champagne, the American Brewers beers we will be sampling all have a tremendous amount of respect and feel Lambic should rightly be reserved for the Belgian breweries that have made this style what it is. Since this is a “preview” I’m not going to get into specifics or a definition of the style, but will leave you beer geeks drooling with the line up of beer I’ll be sharing with 6 others next Monday.
- Allagash Coolship Resurgam – a Blend of 2 year, 18 month, and 6 month or Spontaneous Beer
- Allagash Coolship Red – 2 year old aged on Raspberries for 3 months
- Allagash Coolship Cerise – 2 year old aged on cherries for 3 months
- Russian River Beatification – batch 002
- Russian River Beatification – batch 003
- Jolly Pumpkin Lambicus Dexterius – 4 year old aged wild ale
Usually I only have 2 or 3 other people joining me on these podcasts, but with such rare and fantastic (hopefully) beer there will be 6 of us, gotta share the love!
- Peter Kennedy, Simply Beer’s Craft Beer Guide
- Kevin Malavarca, Beer Manager, Liquor Outlet in Boonton NJ
- John Hoyos, Hunterdon Distributing
- Lee Williams,
- Mike Carrino, Chef / Owner Restaurant Passionné
- Eric Ottaway, General Manager, Brooklyn Brewery
Cool! I’m brewing up my own spontaneous home brew in 3 weeks.
Awesome Nate, can wait to hear about it, but aren’t you doing it a bit late in the year? I thought most open air spontaneous fermentation was done when the day time temp wasn’t much over 50 and the night temp stayed just above freezing.
My original plan was to brew it 3 weeks ago…but life doesn’t always work out the way i’d like. I’m not concerned though, as I’m brewing at my dad’s apple orchard and fermenting it in his fruit room that stay a constant 52 degrees year round….that’s after I let it sit all night out doors to collect bugs.
who knows…if it stinks i’ll drink it, if it’s good i’ll send you a bottle 🙂
I talked to barlow brewing a while back…I think he was planning on doing his when I was going to in early spring.
Bugs add that extra special something to beer! Anyway, sounds like a great lineup – can’t wait to listen in!
@Nate, can’t understand how life could get in the way of brewing. 🙂 it’s not like you have a wife, kids, job, and bills to pay….
@Scott, I’m really looking forward to this one. If there is wifi where we are recording, I may try and uStream the tasting