Ithaca Excelsior White Gold

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6 Responses

  1. nate says:

    I am pretty addicted to brett…I’ll look out for this. We don’t get all of Ithaca’s stuff around here though. I made a beer that sounds pretty similar to this…tons of wheat, but classified as a pale.

  2. Don says:

    So are you still on the wagon, or did you jettison that idea? If you are like me, perhaps you had some reviews saved up that you are tapping into right now. I can’t really get into big funk in my beers. A little is ok, but it goes a long way in my book. Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Simply Beer says:

    @Don, yes still on the wagon! 18 days now. This beer was the last beer I had before going on.

  4. DGBR says:

    This is a compelling review. I’m looking to expand my palate in the wheat beer area, and the combination of “very dry,” “creamy,” and “Brett funk” have sold me on seeking this one out. Thanks for the great article!

  1. May 18, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Simply Beer, Tasha Sefrida. Tasha Sefrida said: RT @beerforyou: Ithaca Excelsior White Gold #beer […]