Berliner Weisse Recipe

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6 Responses

  1. Ray Grace says:

    I was thinking about brewing your recipe next, if you don’t mind. I was wondering how the session went and how it’s tasting. Thanks Peter.

  2. Simply Beer says:

    Probably the easiest brew session I’ve had. My only words of advice, make sure it sours before pitching the yeast.

  3. Jeff says:

    Peter, any tasting notes on this recipe? I’m curious how it turned out.


    • Simply Beer says:

      Hi Jeff, The Beer is wonderful, like really sour lemonade 🙂

      It scored a 38 at the Dominion Cup ->
      Overall impression: Light Refreshing, Nice dry Finish. Very close to Guidelines. No brewing faults detected.
      Aroma: Light Fruitiness with some grain notes and notes of acidic sourness. no hop aroma, very close to style
      Appearance: Fairly Clear, light straw with very small rocky white head. does not persist
      Flavor: Grainy with moderate acidic sourness on tongue. light refreshing. little hop flavor and light bitterness. Very close to style
      Mouthfeel: Light body and mouthfeel, light carbonation. Nice dry dry acidic finish. A bit more carbonation would help.

  4. Dan Mouer says:

    Sounds like a winner, Peter. Sorry I wasn’t judging your flit at the Dominion Cup! Just one comment to needle you…

    I really hope that your hydrometer in the picture is showing your original gravity, not your final gravity.
