Two for One
So last night I had New Orleans own Blackened Voodoo Lager for the first time in a while. It was quite tasty. It is a dark lager that was more complex than what I remembered or expected. Pretty cool to think about how much history is behind this brewery and that it was nearly destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. I savored the brew and to tell you the truth…will have to add a sequel to this cause I wasn’t thinking about the characteristics at the time. I can recall malty flavors and a reddish brown color….
Which brings me to the reason this post is titled the Two for One.
The brew I tasted this evening was an Organic Brown Ale from Wolavers out of Vermont. From first pour it had a reddish brown color…similar to the Dixie Lager above. It had nice carbonation a very light head and sweet nutty aroma. You could taste the malty caramel and chocolate overtones but yet was very light and almost watery…not sure if that is such a good thing or a good descriptor…but it has a certain drinkability. Would make a good refresher for those Indian summer afternoons….in November. Hey last weekend we were pushing 80 here in the Bay area.
To conclude, I enjoyed both as they were a nice complement to a hard days work.
I love the blackend lager, haven’t had it in years. I’m always looking for it. I hope when I find it I won’t be let down
I’ve also had the Wolaver’s and was completely unimpressed by it. Drinkable yes, but nothing special. I’ve brewed organic ales and had organic ales, i’m just not getting how it makes the beer any better. although the Wolaver’s IPA was pretty good…