Beer Review: Stone Epic 090909
OK, OK, I know I’m not supposed to drink this for another 800 years, but I bought 2 bottles, so it’s ok! Right on the label Stone says it is designed to be drunk after 2012, so where probably talking about a really hoppy malty beer. Stone describes this as a “Belgian style Imperial Porter”, yeah it’s a mouth full. This is the 8th beer in Stones Epic Vertical series. I bet in 2012 there are going to be some pretty killer vertical tastings of all 11 stone beers, but that is a couple years down the road.
Black! No light what so ever comes through this beer which sits under a creamy dense cappuccino colored head. Some petty significant lacing going on, the foam just wants to cling to the side of the glass.
Honestly I was expecting a ton of hops on the aroma, but I was surprised. The chocolate malt really was the dominate aroma. There are some underlying citrus aroma, but it was very subdued. Tiny wafts of vanilla once and awhile, but a very conservative aroma. As the beer warmed up to around 60°, the oak started to come through along with some clove spice.

Stone Vertical Epic 090909
Wow, what a big beer, so much flavor! Right up front chocolate and vanilla, jab, jab! Followed by toasted malty molasses sweetness, right hook! Bam, big spicy oaky presence, Upper Cut! Finishing with a long dry bittering heat, KO! Sorry for lame fight commentary, but this beer really shook up my taste buds, beat them up, tossed them around, and my taste buds were asking for more. The spiciness and oakiness in the middle mouth really battled with each other with the spiciness winning, especially as the beer got warmer
Overall Impression:
A very interesting porter, one I can’t wait to try again in a couple of hears. Intense robust flavors really make this beer, but it needs some time for the heat to mellow out in this beer. This is going to be one kick ass beer in a couple of years. If you have one hold onto it, if you don’t try to find one and hold onto it. The more you drink the more intense this beer gets.
Glassware: Tulip
Calories: 8.9% abv beer will have 275-300 calories per 12oz (Calorie Chart)
Simply Beer Rating: 91 (can’t wait to try it in a few years)
Cool! I just picked a few bottles for trying and cellaring. I can’t wait to try this. I started buying this on 07-07-07, so I’ve got a few future “vintages”. Hope they turn out well. I’d love go to a vertical epic beers tasting. In fact, I think the 02-02-02 might run you the better part of a $1000.00 or so. Let me know where this is going to be and I’m in.
$1000 for a bottle of beer from 02? I think I’ll pick up a bunch and put it away for my retirement!
Sounds like a good one, where did you find it?
i’d be nice to have the whole line up… $1k… yeah not for me, but I sure wouldn’t turn down a glass. I found the 090909 at the Liquor Outlet in Boonton, NJ.
I’ve searched the four beer stores in my town…09 09 09 not to be found 🙁
Looks fantastic though!
Of course we in South Florida don’t have it yet but I’m hoping. Looks good.
I assume that all the misspellings were because of all the porter that you (a) drank or (b) inhaled. You might note that eBay currently has a complete set of the series up for auction, 03-03-03 to 09-09-09. I hadn’t heard of this brew beforehand, and upon a google. your site came up FIRST!! (Yay, you!)
Bob, I’m sure you will find spelling mistakes all over the site, not my strength. I write all my reviews as I’m drinking the beer, sometimes that leads to some spelling errors, but lately I’ve tried to improve my writing and proofreading. I hope you’ll come back again. eBay has it’s ups and downs, the Epic vertical is way over valued in my opinion. I would not spend the $1000 plus dollars people are expecting/have payed for that series.