Sierra Nevada 13th Release Harvest Wet Hop Ale
I’m always on the look out for the next big hop craze, it was IPA’s then Imperial IPA’s then hopped up whatever and now we are at Wet Hop beers. While Sierra Nevada has been doing it for awhile, there seems to be lots of people jumping on that band wagon. Sierra Nevada’s Wet Hop Ale is made with cascade and centennial hops and I can’t wait to try them fresh in this beer. I found the 13th Release of Sierra Nevada’s Harvest Wet Ale last week in Rochester NY. Since I wasn’t sure when it would be in my local store in NJ I bought a bottle.
Here is how Sierra Nevada describes their beer:
The cornerstone of our Harvest series is the beer that started the modern-day fresh hop ale phenomenon in America, our original Harvest Ale.
Created in 1996, Harvest Ale features Cascade and Centennial hops from the Yakima Valley in Eastern Washington. These hops are harvested and shipped as “wet” un-dried hops—the same day they are picked—to our brewery in Chico where our brewers eagerly wait to get them into the brew kettle while their oils and resins are still at their peak.

Sierra Nevada Wet Hop Ale
Pours a clear amber, a small column of bubbles raises from the bottom of the glass which meets up with a thick cream colored frothy head.
Wow! Luscious! Deep resiny pine and citrus aroma with notes of cotton candy and bubblegum. You can tell this beer has a ton of hops in as well as a sweetness to it.
A creamy, malty full bodied beer with a strong citrus middle and a good punch of bitterness on the back-end. Sweet caramel notes give this an extra bit of depth and helps balance the rich intensity of the hops.
Glassware: nonic, tulip
Calories: at 6.7% abv, this beer would have about 210-235 calories per 12/oz (Calorie Chart)
Overall Impression:
Great aroma and the sweet/bitter beer is a wonderful combination. This is an intensely hopped beer that doesn’t overpower your palette but allows you to taste the characteristics of the hops. I really liked this beer. I’ll be buying another one if I see it at the Liquor Outlet on Monday.
This is probably the best of the three fresh hop offerings they have. That said none are anything less than stellar. I’m a huge fan of fresh hop ales and loving this that more and more breweries are offering them.
Couldn’t agree more. Probably the best Sierra Nevada Beer I’ve had in recent memory.
I loved this one when I had it last year and can’t wait to have it again.
Look for it Mike. well worth it!