How Many Calories are in my Beer?

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4 Responses

  1. Casey says:

    The chart seems decent for a rough gauge of calorie content, but some of the info sounds confusing if not completely false. For example, you state, “Since beer is a very simple drink *which I would argue that it’s not* , all the calories are from one place, the alcohol” – this is just not true. Alcohol (ethanol) along w/residual sugars are the main sources of calories. Thus, using the original gravity and final gravity is definitely not the best way to calculate calorie content. For example a beer with an OG of 1.060 and FG of 1.020 will have the same ABV% as a beer with an OG of 1.050 and FG of 1.010, but it will have a much higher calorie count because of the substantially higher amount of residual sugars.

    • Simply Beer says:


      I appreciate the feed back and I would like this formula to be more accurate. But, it is not just guess work it is based on a scientific formula.

      This formula is completley based on residual sugars, here is how I calculated the numbers in the chart
      cal per 12 oz beer = [(6.9 × ABW) + 4.0 × (RE – 0.1)] × FG × 3.55
      ABW = Alcohol By Weight
      RE = “Real Extract” (RE, in °P) is a measure of the sugars which are fermented
      FG = Final Gravity

      Without these numbers any “formula” will only be an approximation. Which is why for my calorie Range chart I used a specific final gravity and calculated backwards to determine the ABV (Alcohol by Volume) which you can then convert to ABW by a simple formula (ABW = (0.79 × ABV) / FG). This is the only accurate way to determine calories. Since most breweries do not list these “Beer Secrets” we have to guess based on one data point, ABV, instead of two.

      So based on above formula:
      If a beer has a OG (original gravity of 1.048 and a FG of 1.010 would result in a beer of 5% ABV and 163 calories.
      If a beer has a OG of 1.055 and a FG of 1.017 you will get a beer that is also 5% ABV, but has 189 calories.

      So you see without the Original Gravity (OG) and Final Gravity(FG) it is not an accurate measure of calories because when a beer is done fermenting the attenuation for every beer will be slightly different resulting in more or less unfermented sugar in the beer. The more unfermented sugar left in the beer the more “sweetness” (and calories) a beer has as opposed to a beer with less sugar will taste “drier” (and have less calories then a sweeter beer with the same ABV)

  2. Bob Skilnik says:

    “Does My BUTT Look BIG In This BEER? Nutritional Values Of 2,000 Worldwide Beers”

    Amazon and Barnes & Noble

  1. August 19, 2009

    […] Original post by Simply Beer […]