Beer Bloggers Brew-off

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22 Responses

  1. This sounds awesome. Maybe I can be in next years brew off if it’s done again.

  2. Come the new year I will purchase my supplies and get started. I’m excited.

  3. erik says:

    Aw, man. I would be all over this, but I can’t brew this weekend.

    What if I brew a week late and still ship them out on the same date? 😀

  4. This is a really, really good idea, and I like the secret ingredient component! Looking forward to reading about the results too!

  5. Lucas says:

    Excellent idea and though I cannot make the schedule I will be following the progress to see how all of the batches turn out. I look forward to hearing what all of the secret ingredients turn out to be!

  6. erik says:

    You know, the most challenging part is only making ONE change. I keep on thinking of things that involve TWO.

    I got it now, though. Will it be good? No idea. But it will most definitely be educational.

    • Simply Beer says:

      You said it Eric, not supposed to be easy but fun. Takes a bit of thought to make a unique beer with one secret ingredient. So you’re clear you can add, subtract or change 1 thing. So you could Change the yeast or add Another hop or increase the chocolate malt.

  7. karlis says:

    What a fantastic idea. Wish I could join but have both my fermenters full at the moment and no time to brew. Maybe keep me in mind for next year. I’ll be following your brew-off to see how it goes. Cheers!

  8. Jim says:

    This is a great idea, Peter. Maybe you should put together a panel of judges. I can’t brew yet, but I am an experienced beer drinking who is willing to help!

  9. John says:

    Lisa and I will definitely be following along to see how it goes. Maybe Lisa will want to enter the next one!

  10. erik says:

    Just out of curiosity – what have people ended up as an OG?

    When I put this recipe together in BeerSmith it gives me an estimated OG of 1.060, not 1.046. That’s pretty significantly different.

    I mean.. not that I mind. 🙂 Just making sure I’m on track.

  11. erik says:

    Huh. Interesting. So about 65% efficiency, then?

    Guess I’ll see how mine turns out.

  1. December 8, 2009

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Charlotte Cusumano and beertographer, Jamey Barlow. Jamey Barlow said: Very cool. I can't do it right, but let me know if/when you do another RT @SimplyBeer The Beer Bloggers Brew-off […]

  2. December 8, 2009

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by charlotteCus: RT: @SimplyBeer: The Beer Bloggers Brew-off @CaptainsChair @heavenlybrew @THFbeer_nate @TomBGP @geekbeer…

  3. December 13, 2009

    […] Peter of Simply Beer had this awesome brainstorm: […]

  4. January 13, 2010

    […] strikes and intrest or I haven’t done before. One of the most interesting things of late was the Beer Bloggers Brew-off I organized. On Dec 13th, 9 homebrewers all brewed the same batch of beer across the country. The kicker, we […]