Hangar 24 Orange Wheat

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9 Responses

  1. Thomas Ham says:

    From what I understand they actually add ORANGE to the beer, not just Orange Zest. The oranges that are used are from a grove a few miles from the brewery. I haven’t noticed the sediment, possibly orange chunks?

  2. Thomas Ham says:

    Also, it’s totally a summer beer! After a hot day at work crawling through 125 degree attics, it’s refreshing!

    • Simply Beer says:

      I can imagine. a totally hot day brew. none the less, glad I got to try some thing from them. I think I’d like to try their Pale ale, Helles, and IPA one day.

  3. Looks and sound like a nice beer. Kinda makes me wish for some warmer days, (and some ribs on the grill too!)

  4. Pete says:

    This definitely sounds like a summer beer to me. Hey, I saw on Beer Wench that you like Flying Dog….just had the Raging Bitch Belgian IPA and it’s great!

    • Simply Beer says:

      @Scott, I’m going through grill with drawl. Gonna have to do some winter BBQ’in soon!

      @Pete, my march tasting will be with Flying Dog, we’ll be tasting the Raging Bitch along with 6 or 7 other Flying Dog Beers.

  1. January 13, 2010

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  2. January 17, 2010

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