Terrapin De Proef Monstre Rouge

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7 Responses

  1. nate says:

    The thought of tropical fruit salad smothered in bubblegum made my stomach turn…but I had a mental image of an actual fruit salad with blogs of chewed up bubblegum on top.

    Talk about a sexually loaded review…foreplay, not kicking it out of bed…it made it interesting. I would be a bit let down too, since I LOVE qualities of a flanders red.

    • Simply Beer says:

      I guess it kinda is. Like you I’ve been sick of writing reviews the same old way so I just started spewing words as I was drinking it. Dunno what that says about me or my psyche….

  2. beckel says:

    Interesting. I was very excited about this brew when I first heard about the collaboration. It has yet to make it to my market, but I suppose I’ll still have to sample it when it comes around.

  3. Great blog, I found it by searching for this beer which I had the other night for the first time in a beer flight. I loved it! I, too, had never heard of an Imperial Flanders Red (did they make that up?). Whatever it is, I thought this was such an interesting, flavorful beer it prompted me to make a note of it. Now I just have to find a place that sells it!

    • Simply Beer says:

      Glad you found my Blog Sarah. It was an interesting beer, especially if you can get past the name. I haven’t seen it for sale in any stores in NJ (but I haven’t been looking for it either). I think it is imported by Shelton Brothers, but not sure if it is distributed by Terrapin’s distributors. How ever I did see it in a store in Denver last week..

  1. July 20, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Simply Beer, allbeernews. allbeernews said: Terrapin De Proef Monstre Rouge http://ff.im/-nXN7s […]

  2. July 20, 2010

    […] This post was Twitted by TailgateSavant […]