Beer Brawl™ 24 – Sour Beer

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4 Responses

  1. Marc says:

    Oh yeah, I woulda picked the duchesse! She always wins…

  2. John Hoyos says:

    The Cantillon is certainly the most intense of the six. I think if you had tasted it last, you might have gotten a better experience with it.

    Also, the Lindemans is hardly a lambic. There’s a reason people have to cut it with hefeweizens.

    Finally, the Zoetzuur is a wonderful beer, but again probably a victim of the order of tasting. Putting it as one of the first two beers probably would have produced a better result. Still, it sounds like you got a bad bottle.

    • Simply Beer says:

      Yeah, we had a hard time putting the lindemans in the lambic category. Aside from the Zoetzuur, had some good beer. In the podcast I describe the Cantillon as”puckerliscious” . Since we had not had many of these beers before, it was hard to figure out the order, so I just grouped them by style. I’ll have to give the Zoetzuur another try some time.

  1. September 8, 2009

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Liquor Mart. Liquor Mart said: We've got the Dogfish, Lindemans and Duchesse in stock RT @beerforyou: Beer Brawl? 24 ? Sour Beer #beer #beer #boulder […]