Dunkelweizen Homebrew All Grain Recipe

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6 Responses

  1. Ian says:

    Hi there,

    Homebrewer in Brooklyn here. Really enjoy your website! I’d like to give this recipe a whirl myself, and I’m wondering why you add the 1/2 tsp of the nutrient blend at the last 10 minutes of the boil. What does this achieve?


  2. Dave says:

    Just wondering why you sparged for so long. While I’m not an all grain brewer, it was my understanding that sparging was a relatively quick process. Are you fly or batch sparging?

    • Simply Beer says:

      Hi Dave, Batch sparging is a faster method to fly sparging. Fly sparging takes so long because you are adding and removing a small amount of liquid at the same time.

  3. Dave says:

    Oh duh. Of course. Wasn’t thinking about that! So, with batch sparging, you simply dump in the hot water and instantly drain?

  1. June 1, 2010

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Simply Beer, Lee Williams. Lee Williams said: RT @SimplyBeer New #homebrew recipe: Dunkleweizen http://bit.ly/aTbNlH […]