Boulevard SmokeStack Series – Saison Brett
Aside from sours and barrel aged beers, Saison’s are one of my favorite styles of beer. I love the crisp ale, big head, and lots of spice. So when I heard about Boulevard’s Saison Brett, I was on the hunt. I eventually received one in a beer trade from a great trader in CO. Tonight I will be trying bottle 548 of a production run of 13400, just over 1100 cases. Not sure what to expect from this beer, I don’t know anything about the brewery except for an interview from Thank Heaven for Beer, and I haven’t searched out any reviews yet. What I’m expecting is a crisp, peppery, funky, maybe a bit tart beer.
ABV: 8.5%
Bottle: 750ml Cage/Cork top
Big giant billowy head rests on this golden straw colored beer, a good torrent of bubbles rises from the bottom keeping the head alive. As the head slowly retreats into the beer it leaves a sticky lacing on the side of my tulip glass.
The aroma on this beer one up’s the appearance. There is so much going on in this beers nose. I smell apples, bread, funk, tropical fruit and cotton candy. As my wife describes it, “its very pretty”. that is a huge compliment, from her normal sweaty armpit or toe cheese comments.
I think this is exactly what I was expecting from this beer. It is dry and crisp right up front, lots of carbonation that really expands through your mouth as you sip. The carbonation loosens up as it hits your throat, going down nice and easy with what is at first the typical brett funky earthiness that ends in a dry tart finish.
Calories: At 8.5% this beer would have an estimated 250-275 cal per 12 oz (Calorie Chart)
Glassware: Tulip
Overall Impression:
A fantastic Beer! I was very impressed with this Saison-Brett, it had a nice mix of Saison style flavors with the bretty funkiness and tartness that keeps the beer balanced. I know a good beer when I’m 3/4 through a 750ml bottle and still excited about the next sip, looking for new flavors.
“….I know a good beer when I’m 3/4 through a 750ml bottle and still excited about the next sip, looking for new flavors.”
I never thought of it that way, but you’re right. I especially know when I am sad that the bottle is empty!
I will soon be living in the city where this stuff is brewed.
Thanks for the mention!
Sounds like a good brew Peter. I have passed this one up a bunch of times. I need to pick it up next time I’m shopping to replenish the bunker. Thanks for the review.
@Nate your welcome, I glad you wrote about them so I could find this beer. Wonderful stuff. Looking forward to trying more from them!
@Don, I hope you don’t pass this one up again! 🙂
Like I said on twitter when you posted this; I thought this was a really impressive American Saison and wish Boulevard would send their stuff out here to the DC area. Great beer.
And to Jersey too! I’m looking forward to finding some more.
You do realize it’s SmokeSTACK Series, right?
opps! must have had Jerky on the brain at the time