Lost Abbey Framboise de Amorosa
I’ve been looking forward to Lost Abbey’s Framboise de Amorosa since seeing it on New Brew Thursday‘s podcast with Ladies of Craft Beer, Taylor Shaw. They all seemed to be enjoying the beer so...
I’ve been looking forward to Lost Abbey’s Framboise de Amorosa since seeing it on New Brew Thursday‘s podcast with Ladies of Craft Beer, Taylor Shaw. They all seemed to be enjoying the beer so...
Scott strikes again, fresh out of Colorado, my trading buddy sent me a Great Divide 16th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA last week. I don’t really want to sit on this one, I’ve been...
This beer comes to me from a great beer guy, Jason over at BarleyPopMaker. The two things I always ask him to send me are New Glarus and the Tyranena’s Brewers Gone Wild beers....
I’ve been looking forward to drinking this beer for awhile. I bought it last month while I was on the wagon, but tonight while it is still 90 friggin’ degrees out at midnight I’m...
I received this beer a couple days ago in a beer trade with a fella from Florida. To me, this sounded like an intriguing beer, a farmhouse ale with a secondary fermentation on guava...
When I got an email from Crispin cider a couple weeks back, they asked me if I would like to review their cider. It took me a while to think about this because, one,...
This review is probably just another Three Floyds review to you mid-westerners, but since Three Floyds doesn’t have a wide distribution net in the US, this is going to be a nice (I hope)...
New Belgium beers are hard to come by in New Jersey, so when my I received these two beers in a trade, I knew I had to review them together. The Ranger IPA is...
On May 8th Captain Lawrence released Smoke from the Oak through their brewery, but lucky me, it was after I went dry for the month of May. Did that stop me from getting to...
Last night was Brooklyn Brewery’s Invitational Release Party for their two newest offerings: Sorachi Ace in 750ml corked bottles (formerly a Brewmaster Reserve Beer) and Buzz Bomb Ale, the newest in the line of...
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